The real estate industry, in general, has been slow to accept change, especially in the large brokerages. In fairness, large companies are generally less nimble than “the small guy”. But in real estate the “way we’ve always done it” mentality seams to prevail.
Is there a problem with that? You bet! It costs the client money! Example: Let’s say an office has 5 agents, each of whom close 1 transaction every other month (a pretty good average in these times) and let’s say the office space rents for $2,000 per month. That means that each and every transaction will pay $600 to rent alone!
That is $600 that could have gone to marketing the listed property, or helping a buyer get moved in and settled, or maybe help with closing costs. Which would you rather have? Don’t get us wrong. There are some advantages to being part of a big company. Things like marketing and other large scale items have their costs distributed over a greater number of agents.
But does marketing the brokerage’s name on national TV really help sell your home? Does it help you find your new home? Does their prettier web site really help you? It might be “easier on the eyes”, but do they allow you to get the information you need with security and anonymity?
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to save money (usually meaning to get more for your money) then consider this: Real Estate really is personal and local. Is your agent? Does your agent’s company allow them to be? Are they using your hard earned dollars to help you or their company?
How does this effect you? At Encore Real Estate Services (, Yuba-Sutter Homes and Loans, and other People’s Choice Brokers companies we believe your money should benefit you. Most work from home offices saving you thousands of dollars. We are internet connected giving you the WORLD of information and marketing, not just our office or brokerage/company.
For ALL your real estate related needs and/or questions call (530 315-2808) or visit us on line at or any of the links below. Please note: all visits to our sites are secure AND confidential. We do NOT track your activity!
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Fortunately or unfortunately most people favor the implied security of dealing with a large brand which puts most of the independent brokers at a disadvantage.