Great News! It looks like the national scene is beginning to see what we have watched here for some time. The big “news” guys at least are beginning to report that maybe the housing industry is not in a perpetual downward slide. We are not circling the drain!
An article just published in the Washington Post (read it here) cites recent increases in new construction as one of their indicators. Also getting credit are the stabilized prices and consistent sales level of resale homes. The market seems to be on the mend according to them.
Those of you who read our reports regularly know that we have been reporting a much brighter picture than that presented by the “news” force in general. Our market at least has been better than the doom and gloom that prevails in the national news scene.
Why the difference? While I can’t answer for their reasoning, I can tell you that we try to give you the information that is HONEST, RELEVANT, AND LOCAL. We are in the business and see first hand what is REALLY happening. It is our opinion that you deserve the truth.
All is not rosy, but at least we are not walking through Death’s Door. We have a long way to go, but we are going. Part of the recovery is getting out of the Doom-&-Gloom state of mind. Economic depression can be compared to personal depression it that if one dwells on the negative rather than working on the positive, things will continue to get worse. Problems we have…Solutions we work on.
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