Are You Changing the Way You Save?

According to recent surveys and studies, many Americans are.  For instance, the 401k seems to be loosing out as the most prominent.  As the economic downturn caused many company to reduce or discontinue matching funds in company 401k plans, employees have stopped contributing to them.

According to experts this is cause for alarm.  If the money that was being put into 401k plans is now being spent instead of saved it could spell trouble.  Studies indicate that people are creatures of habit.  Once we get used to having that extra spending money from each check it will be very difficult to go back to saving.  While the employers may go back to contributing matching funds that new spending habit will have to be broken.  To read the full article click HERE.

Does a 401k make sense for you?  Is real estate a better opportunity?  We think many can gain signicantly by investing in real estate.  A look at the self-made millionairs of this country will show that EVERY ONE OF THEM have heavy investments in real estate.  Is this right for you?  Only you and your financial advisor can answer that question.

Does this sound interesting to you?  Contact us for information.  Check out our web sites at Yuba Sutter Homes and Loans, Yuba Sutter Home Buys, and Homes in Yuba Sutter.  Or you can call me personally @ 530 315-2808.

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