Going Green: What Does it Mean?

We think that most would agree that the term generally means to use our resources more efficiently.  But that is where the paths seem to part.  Part of this is commercialism; the need to make money.  Part may be due to a lack of knowledge (who knows EVERY impact a given change will make?).

Most of us would agree that making our homes more energy efficient is a good thing, a green thing.  There is a negative here to watch for also, a cost (not just dollars) that must be considered.  Sealing your home totally from that outside would reduce that energy required the heat and cool it.  But what about the are quality? 

Many substances used in our homes are toxic.  If we are to live in our home (isn’t that the purpose?) we need to clean this toxic environment from our home.  If our home is sealed to the outside, the we must filter the air to remove contaminates.  Filtering and air circulation cost money and require the use of energy. 

And what do we do with the toxic substances we removed from that air?  Land fill, burning, and other methods of disposal have their costs, both in money and environmental issues. 

Another issue we think often overlooked is the impact in the production of the materials we use for these energy savings or going green procedures.  What toxic materials are used in the manufacturing processes?  How are those wastes handled.  What about the materials that are being replaced as one retrofits one’s home to be more green?

Whether you consider yourself a “tree hugger”, are trying to save money,  or are just interested in being more environmentally responsible we think ALL these questions must be considered.  It does little good to spend more than what is saved, either in dollars or (and?) environmental impact.

What it means for YOU?  We are all for going more green.  Not only is it the responsible thing to do, we believe it necessary for the survival of the earth (at least in conditions humanity can live in).  As with most things worthwhile, proper research is required to actually get your desired results.  We are in the process of putting together a list of vendors and resources for this very topic.  Call us today for more information. 530 315-2808

Questions about YOUR best action?  Contact us today for your free analysis.

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