That lack of an adequate down payment is the primary obstacle to many new or first time home buyers. While most may have heard that assistance is available, many don’t know where to turn.
The mortgage industry has become very complicated. Often a loan agent doesn’t know of programs outside of what their company offers. They may be reluctant to steer someone outside their company if they do know. Even your Realtor® may not know (while many have general mortgage awareness, most are not trained in loans).
A new resource (Down Payment Resource) has been created just for this reason. If you are interested and can qualify, assistance comes in many forms. Cash, deferred loans, grants, and other terms might be available. There are city and county programs available in addition to the FHA terms usually bantered about.
What it means for YOU? Click the link above or contact Yuba Sutter Homes And Loans to see if you qualify. Or maybe you are interested in selling your home: knowing what programs are available might make the difference to your potential buyer! Call us today to find out. 530 315-2808
Questions about YOUR best action? Contact us today for your free analysis.
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