More Help for Military Members Facing Foreclosure

The members of our military preform a valuable service to our nation (us).  Because of that they are treated a bit differently than the general population.  There are programs to help with crisis & stress, housing, etc.  Since their needs are often very different than the general population’s, many programs do not fit their situations.

Foreclosure prevention is one such case.  A group of investors, insurers, and others have gotten together to come up with a plan to help this segment of our population.  The group just completed a brainstorming session according to HOUSINGWIRE ($ read it here).  Topics covered were getting those in need to attorneys, housing authorities, and others able to help their specific situations.

With Beale right in our back yard, we think these programs can have a a positive effect in our area.  We think it is good that those we depend so heavily upon will have such help available.  As always, we are interested in your opinions and point of view.  Please leave your comments below.

How does this effect you? Do you have questions about YOUR best action? Contact us today for your free, no obligation consultation.

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